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Klaus Mayer
Helmholtz Munich | Matthias Tunger Photodesign

Prof. Dr. Klaus F.X. Mayer

Research Group Head, Plant Genome and Systems Biology
+49 89 3187 3584Email meBuilding/Room: 3532/220

“Deciphering plant genomes - exceeding human genome complexity by far - is fundamental for the development of future crops, future healthy food supply and for deciphering allergen content and interaction with humans. It is at the very basis of a holistic understanding of health.”

“Deciphering plant genomes - exceeding human genome complexity by far -  is fundamental for the development of future crops, future healthy food supply and for deciphering allergen content and interaction with humans. It is at the very basis of a holistic understanding of health.”

Academic Pathway & Research Area

Dr. Mayer did a PhD in plant developmental biology and analysed a critical stem cell regulating gene in a plant model organism. After finishing he joined the consortium that was targeting the deciphering of the first plant genome, the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. At that time a challenging expedition into uncharted territory and involving an exhaustive, globe-spanning consortium. After this milestone achievement the group developed to an world wide influential bioinformatics and plant genomics research group that contributed to a wide variety of important model and crop genomes including the maize and, more recently, the massive cereal genomes of barley and wheat. The group now is focused towards the analysis of a variety of pan-genomes and orphan crop genomes for various human consumption.

Fields of Work and Expertise

 Big DataGenomics  Bioinformatics  comparative and translational genomics 

Professional Background


Honorary Professorship Plant Genomes and Systems Biology, Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany


Director Research Group “Plant Genome and Systems Biology (PGSB)”, Helmholtz Center Munich, German Research Center for Environmental Health


PhD Thesis Developmental Biology of Plants, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen Titel: ‘Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Meristemgene Wuschel in Arabidopsis thaliana’

Highlight Publications

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