Microscopy Platform
CF-PTA provides access to and training on high-end light microscopy equipment and to selected image processing software, as well as advice on special sample preparation.
You can book this services via iLab.
CF-PTA provides access to and training on high-end light microscopy equipment and to selected image processing software, as well as advice on special sample preparation.
You can book this services via iLab.
Our Microscopy Services and Instruments
Core Facility Pathology & Tissue Analytics
The Zeiss 880 upright laser scanning confocal microscope can be used for multicolour fluorescence imaging as well as for live-cell imaging. The system is equipped with 2 conventional photomultiplier tubes and a high sensitive GaAsP detector as well as an airyscan detector for higher resolution confocal scanning (resolution in x,y,z increased by a factor of max. 1.7) and a FAST-Scan Modul.
- Zeiss Axio Examiner.Z1
- HXP 120V (visual observation)
- LSM880 laser modules:
- Diode laser 405 nm
- Argon Multiline laser 458 / 488 / 514 nm
- Laser 561 nm
- HeNe laser 594 / 633 nm
- 10x/0.45NA Plan-Apochromat (a=2.0 mm)
- 20x/0.8NA Plan-Apochromat (a=0.55 mm)
- 20x/1.0NA W Plan-Apochromat DIC (a=1.7 mm)
- 63x/1.4NA Oil Plan-Apochromat DIC (UV)VIS-IR (a=0.13 mm)
- 63x/1.2NA W Korr C-Apochromat (a=0.28 mm)
- 2 Photomultiplier tubes
- 1 GaAsP Detector
- 1 Airyscan detector
- ZEN Black 2.3
Fluorescence filter sets:
For visual observation filtersets for DAPI, GFP, Cy 3 and Cy 5 are available.
Dye (Filter set number) | Excitation | Beam splitter | Emission |
DAPI (Zeiss FS49) | G365 | FT 395 | BP 445/50 |
GFP (Zeiss FS38) | BP 470/40 | FT 495 | BP 525/50 |
Cy 3 (Zeiss FS43) | BP 545/25 | FT 570 | BP 605/70 |
Cy 5 (Zeiss FS50) | BP 640/30 | FT 660 | BP 690/50 |
The Zeiss AxioImager.Z1 light microscope offers acquisition of conventional fluorescence images as well as optical sectioning with an Apotome system.
- Zeiss AxioImager.Z1
- X-CITE 120 Mercury short arc lamp
- XBO 75 Xenon short arc lamp
- 2.5x/0.075 Plan-Neofluar
- 10x/0.3 Plan-Neofluar
- 20x/0.5 Plan-Neofluar
- 40x/1.2 W C-Apochromat
- 63x/1.2 W C-Apochromat
- Zeiss AxioCam MRm
- Zeiss AxioVision 4.8
Fluorescence filter sets:
Dye (Filter set number) | Excitation | Beam splitter | Emission |
DAPI (Zeiss FS49) | G 365 | FT 395 | BP 445/50 |
CFP (Zeiss FS47 HE) | BP 436/25 | FT 455 | BP 480/40 |
GFP (Zeiss FS38 HE) | BP 470/40 | FT 495 | BP 525/50 |
DsRed (Zeiss FS43 HE) | BP 550/25 | FT 570 | BP 605/70 |
mPlum (Zeiss FS64 HE) | BP 587/25 | FT 605 | BP 647/70 |
Cy 5 (Zeiss FS50) | BP 640/30 | FT 660 | BP 690/50 |
Cy 5.5 (AHF F46-022) | BP 655/40 | FT 685 | BP 716/40 |
Cy 7 (AHF F36-577) | BP 708/75 | FT 757 | BP 809/81 |
Core Facility Pathology & Tissue Analytics
This 3D light-sheet fluorescence microscopes (LSFM) also called Single/Selective Plane Imaging Microscopes (SPIM) provide high speed optical sectioning in low and high optical resolution of larger tissue samples (e.g. tissue slices) as well as organoids, cells and small model organisms (e.g. drosophila larvae, zebra fish). The system can be used for long-term live cell imaging due to an incubation system (heating, cooling, CO2 chamber) as well as for deep tissue imaging of cleared samples. The system provides a broad range of excitation wavelengths and multiview imaging.
- Zeiss Lightsheet.Z1
- Dual side illumination
- Pivot scanner technology alters the angle of the light sheet upwards and downwards during scanning to avoid shadow artifacts
- Available laser lines: 405 nm, 445 nm, 488 nm, 515 nm, 561 nm, 638 nm
- Illumination optics: 5x/0.1 and 10x/0.2
- 5x/0.16 EC Plan-NEOFLUAR
- 20x/1.0 Clr Plan-Apochromat Korr nd=1.38
- 20x/1.0 Clr Plan-Neofluar Korr nd=1.45
- 20x/1.0 W Plan-APO DIC
- 63x/1.0 W Plan-APO VIS-IR
- pco.edge sCMOS camera, 30 fps at 960 x 1024, pixel size 6.5 µm
- Zeiss ZEN system 2014 for lightsheet Z.1
- Arivis Vision 4D
Fluorescence filter sets:
- Filtersets for various standard fluorophores are available: DAPI, GFP, mCherry, CFP, YFP, Cy3, DRAQ5
This 3D lightsheet fluorescence microscope (LSFM) - also called Single / Selective Plane Imaging Microscopes (SPIM) - provides high speed optical sectioning of large cleared samples, such as whole mouse brains, at a lower magnification.
This system is equipped with a white light laser which provides a broad range of excitation wavelengths, potentially allowing us to excite fluorophores with excitation wavelengths even in infrared. This microscope is optimized for the imaging of large cleared samples. The system can also be used for in vivo imaging at room temperature.
- LaVision UltraMicroscope II, Zoom box configuration
- Dual side illumination with triple sheet optics on each side generating laser light sheet perpendicular to the direction of detection (Minimum thickness: <4.5 μm @ 488 nm for one individual sheet).
- SuperK EXTREME EXW12 White light laser system with a wavelength range from 465 to 2400 nm.
Fluorescence filter sets:
Dye | Excitation | Emission |
CFP, GFP | 470/30 | 535/30 |
Cy 3 | 520/40 | 585/40 |
DsRed | 567/23 | 620/31 |
Cy 5 | 640/30 | 690/50 |
Cy 7 | 710/75 | 810/90 |
IR | 785/25 | 845/55 |
Microscope: Olympus MVX 10 Zoom Body. The variable zoom body provides magnification steps from 0.63x to 6.3x.
- Olympus MVPLAPO 2x/NA 0.5 Dry lens,
equipped with a dipping cap including correction optic, working distance > 5.7 mm. - LaVision BioTec PLAN 12x/NA 0.53 xDISCO, working distance 9.0 mm.
Two dipping lenses optimized for liquids with refractive index of 1.56 ± 0.1, or 1.45 ± 0.1 respectively.
- Andor Zyla 4.2 Plus sCMOS camera
- LaVision BioTec ImSpector Software
Core Facility Pathology & Tissue Analytics
The Axio Scan 7 is a powerful slidescanner for high throughput automated image acquisition of brightfield as well as multi-channel fluorescence slides up to NIR.
Additionally it's equipped with a phase and relief contrast module (TIE - Transfer of Intensity Equation) which helps to detect transparent tissue or protect samples with sensitive fluorescent dyes from bleaching.
Axio Scan 7 features high numerical aperture dry objectives for high resolution and is able to scan whole 3D volumes.
- automated upright slide scanning microscope
- slide holders for standard slides (26 x 76mm) or big slides (52 x 76mm)
- transmitted light LED (Colibri 7: 385 nm / 430 nm / 475 nm / 555 nm / 590 nm / 630 nm / 735 nm)
- 5x/0.25NA Plan-Fluar (a=12.5 mm) M27
- 10x/0.45NA Plan-Apochromat (a=2.1 mm) M27
- 20x/0.5NA EC Plan-Neofluar M27 (a=2 mm) (not suitable for fluorescence)
- 20x/0.8NA Plan-Apochromat (a=0.55 mm) M27
- 40x/0.95NA Plan-Apochromat (a=0.25 mm) M27
Fluorescence filter sets:
Dye | Excitation | Beam splitter | Emission |
DAPI | 385 | FT 405 | BP 425/30 |
AF430 | 430 | FT 450 | BP 467/24 |
AF488, Cy 2, OPAL520 | 475 | FT 493 | BP 524/50 |
AF546, AF555, Cy 3, OPAL570* | 555 | FT 573 | BP 595/31 |
AF594* | 590 | FT 611 | BP 634/38 |
AF633, AF647, Cy 5, OPAL690 | 630 | FT 653 | BP 709/100 |
AF740, AF750, Cy 7 | 735 | FT 762 | BP 785/38 |
*Can be used only alternatively, not in combination
- AxioCam 712 mono, 14 bit, pixel size 3.45 µm, 4096 x 3008 Pixel
- AxioCam 705 color, 14 bit color camera, pixel size 3.45 µm, 2464 x 2056 pixel
- ZEN Blue 3.5
The Celldiscoverer 7 is highly automated boxed inverted LSM900 with Airyscan 2,dedicated tohigh contentscreening projects a well as imaging under consistent conditions. You can use a widefield or confocal mode. The guided acquisition module enables fully automated imaging setups with initial large widefield overviews, image analysis to identify obcects of interest in the overviews and subsequent high-resolution imaging, z-stacks of those identified positions.
- automated inverted confocal microscope (LSM900 with Airyscan 2)
- widefield with LED fluorescence and transmitted light
- slide holders for slides, dishes and plates
- incubation / fully integrated climate control
- automated stage and focus
Light sources:
- Colibri 7 LED (385nm/420nm/470nm/520/567nm/590nm/625nm)
- LSM900 Diodenlaser (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm)
- 5x/0.35 Plan-Apochromat (WD 3.99 mm)
- 20x/0.7 autocorr Plan-Apochromat (WD 1.33 mm)
- 20x/0.95 autocorr Plan-Apochromat (WD 0.4 mm)
- 50x/1.2W autocorr Plan-Apochromat (WD 0.4mm)
Afocal magnification changer (0.5x / 1.0x / 2.0x) is available for all objectives
The 50x is equipped with automated water dispenser.
Camera System:
- AxioCam 512 mono, 64 bit, pixel size 3.1 µm, 4250 x 239 pixel
- ZEN Blue 3.7
Fluorescence filters:
Name | Excitation | DC/BS | Emission |
Set 90 | BP 385/30 | QBS 405 | QBP 425/30 |
Set 91 | BP 423/44 | TBS 450 | TBP 467/24 |
Set 92 | BP 385/30 | TBS 405 | TBP 425/30 |
Core Facility Pathology & Tissue Analytics
- Visiopharm, AI based software tool for standardized, quantitative image analysis of histological section
- ZEN Blue for Image Postprocessing and Analysis
- Visison 4D (ARIVIS) for xD visualization and quantitative structural analysis of tissue morphology
This 3D lightsheet fluorescence microscope (LSFM) - also called Single / Selective Plane Imaging Microscopes (SPIM) - provides high speed optical sectioning of large cleared samples, such as whole mouse brains, at a cellulare magnification.
This system is equipped with a white light laser which provides a broad range of excitation wavelengths, potentially allowing us to excite fluorophores with excitation wavelengths even in infrared. This microscope is optimized for the imaging of large cleared samples.
- LaVision UltraMicroscope II, Blaze (Miltenyi BioTec)
- Dual side illumination with triple sheet optics on each side generating laser light sheet perpendicular to the direction of detection (Minimum thickness: <4.5 μm @ 488 nm for one individual sheet).
- SuperK EXTREME EXW12 White light laser system with a wavelength range from 465 to 2400 nm.
Fluorescence filter sets:
Dye | Excitation | Emission |
CFP, GFP YFP | 470/30 500/20 | 525/50 535/30 |
Cy 3 | 545/30 | 595/40 |
DsRed | 560/40 | 620/60 |
Cy 5 | 630/30 | 680/30 |
Cy 7 | 710/75 | 810/90 |
IR | 785/25 | 845/55 |
Objektive: advanced light sheet objectives lenses covering thr redactive index range from 1.33 to 1.56.
Software controlled, motorized optical post-magnification changer (0.6x, 1x, 1.66x, 2.5x). Total magnification range from 0.66x up to 30x.
Lens | 1.1x | 4x | 12x |
NA | 0.1 | 0.35 | 0.53 |
WD | ≤17 mm | ≤16 mm | ≤11 mm |
Mag | 0.66 - 2.75x | 2.4 - 10x | 7.2 - 30x |
Res | 19.6 - 4.8 µm | 5.4- 1.3 µm | 1.8- 0.44 µm |
FOV | 406 - 23 mm² | 31 - 1.8 mm² | 3.4 - 0.2 mm² |
Diag | 28.5 - 6.8 mm | 7.8 - 1.9 mm | 2.6 - 0.5 mm |
Andor Zyla 4.2 Plus sCMOS camera (2048 x 2048 Pixel, 6.5 x 6.5 µm2 Pixel size
LaVision BioTec ImSpector Software