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Pioneer Campus - Bioengineering

HPC scientists design new molecular probes, biosensors, synthetically engineered circuits, and optical devices that promise unprecedented levels of insight into physiological systems. HPC scientists pioneer in-vivo imaging technologies that promise a paradigm shift in understanding molecular-metabolic regulation at the cellular-, tissue- and organismal level. 

Pioneer Campus - Bioengineering

HPC scientists design new molecular probes, biosensors, synthetically engineered circuits, and optical devices that promise unprecedented levels of insight into physiological systems. HPC scientists pioneer in-vivo imaging technologies that promise a paradigm shift in understanding molecular-metabolic regulation at the cellular-, tissue- and organismal level. 

Pioneer Campus Principal Investigators - Bioengineering

Bruns, Oliver

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bruns

PI "Next-Generation in vivo Imaging" View profile

Pioneer Campus Research Groups - Bioengineering

Helmholtz Munich / Carolin Jacklin
Oliver Bruns Lab

Next-Generation in vivo Imaging

Oliver's team combines targeted probe development and novel imaging setups to rapidly translate the technological advantages of SWIR into new imaging capabilities for both preclinical- and therapeutic applications.

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Helmholtz Munich | © Almut Barden
Jian Cui Lab

The nanoPROBE lab

Jian’s team synthesizes novel classes of nanomaterials with unique chemical and optical properties. We aim to apply these materials towards the development of unconventional approaches to biological imaging and sensing.

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Bild Startseite Bioengineering
Helmholtz Munich / Almut Barden
Marion Jasnin Lab

The Cryoskeleton Lab

Marion’s team explores the diversity of actin structures involved in cell invasion and contractility using cryo-electron tomography. Her group aims to elucidate the structural principles governing actin functions across scales, and to provide an integrated view of the mechanisms of force generation by actin networks in cells. 

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Janna Nawroth Mikroskop
Helmholtz Munich / Almut Barden
Janna Nawroth Lab

Mechanobiology Lab

Janna’s group is an interdisciplinary team of biologists and engineers investigating the structure-function relationships of the human airways and other tissues involved in fluid transport. 

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