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Pioneer Campus - Biomedicine

HPC embraces new technologies, which promise to reveal unprecedented insights into biological systems, during normal development, homeostasis and disease.  Our approaches include high-resolution-imaging, single cell multi-omics, microfluidic-, ‘organ on chip’, nano-scale interactions and atomic resolution cryo-EM to accurately quantify biological systems in health in disease. Overall, HPC technologies are geared towards novel solutions that improve personalised prevention and inform new diagnostics and therapies.

Pioneer Campus - Biomedicine

HPC embraces new technologies, which promise to reveal unprecedented insights into biological systems, during normal development, homeostasis and disease.  Our approaches include high-resolution-imaging, single cell multi-omics, microfluidic-, ‘organ on chip’, nano-scale interactions and atomic resolution cryo-EM to accurately quantify biological systems in health in disease. Overall, HPC technologies are geared towards novel solutions that improve personalised prevention and inform new diagnostics and therapies.

Pioneer Campus Principal Investigators - Biomedicine

Boyan Bonev_freigestellt

Dr. Boyan Bonev

PI "3D Genome and Molecular Neurobiology" View profile
Matthias Meier freigestellt

Prof. Dr. Matthias Meier

PI "Bioengineering and Microfluidics" View profile

Pioneer Campus Research Groups - Biomedicine

Nicolas Battich Science Picture Research
Helmholtz Munich | Nicolas Battich
Nicolas Battich Lab

Quantitative Cell Biology

Nicolas´lab is interested in the strategies that cells use to control gene expression levels and variability during differentiation.

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Boyan Bonev Lab

3D Genome and Molecular Neurobiology

Boyan's team deciphers the genetic and epigenetic blueprints of brain development and evolution, thereby unravelling new paradigms at the interplay of transcription factors, chromatin topology and the control of gene expression in vivo.

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Celia P. Martinez-Jimenez Lab

Molecular Ageing

Celia's team applies single-cell approaches to interrogate molecular features as predictor of molecular age. The assessment of intra-organ cell-to-cell variability will instruct precision diagnostics and personalized treatments.

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Helmholtz Munich / Carolin Jacklin
Matthias Meier Lab

Bioengineering and Microfluidics

Matthias' team advances the microfluidic organ-on-chip technology to characterize biomolecules and their functional interactions on the single cell level and in the context of whole organs. 

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