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Asthma and Allergy Prevention

Environmental Health Center

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways of the lung. It is not one disease but a syndrome consisting of many so far not well characterized and delineated genetic and environmental determinants. The focus of our work is to develop novel strategies of asthma and allergy prevention and to characterize in depth asthma phenotypes.

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways of the lung. It is not one disease but a syndrome consisting of many so far not well characterized and delineated genetic and environmental determinants. The focus of our work is to develop novel strategies of asthma and allergy prevention and to characterize in depth asthma phenotypes.

Research Areas

Un bambino con cappellino si occupa delle vacche giocando con loro e portandogli il fieno nelle mangiatoie
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The Farm-Effect – Protection for children

Why and how are children growing up on traditional farms protected from asthma. And what role is playing the microbiome in the gut or bacteria on skin and in the nose? Scientists at IAP try to disentangle microorganisms or their interactions which are associated with allergic diseases.

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child using inhaler for asthma outside in a park with his father
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Farm Effect Findings – Translation to families

Our studies on the farm effect show how relevant microbiome-derived functional agents are to protect children from asthma. But how can we translate these findings to children and their families? With ongoing both experimental and human population-based studies and projects we aim to develop innovative and effective prevention strategies to stop asthma and allergies.

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Alliance All Age Asthma Cohort

ALLIANCE – Identify asthma subtypes

What are the different forms of asthma and how can we identify biomarkers (signal transducers) that will make it possible to identify these subtypes as early as possible? To answer this question is the aim of the ALL AGE ASTHMA COHORT (ALLIANCE) of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL). The large-scale study has been running since 2011 with now more than 1200 patients throughout Germany.

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Prof. Dr. Erika von Mutius

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c Erika von Mutius

Director and Department Head View profile

Dr. rer. med. Sabina Illi

Statistician, Deputy Director
Porträt Martin Depner

Dr. rer. biol. hum. Martin Depner


Prof. Dr. Markus Ege

Senior Scientist

Professor Jonathan Grigg

Professor of Paediatric Respiratory and Environmental Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, MD, FRCPCH, FFPH

Dr. rer. nat. Rabia Ülkü Korkmaz

Scientist Translational Research

Birgit Langer

Data Manager
Porträt Nicole Maison

Dr. med. Nicole Maison

Physician Scientist
Porträt Jimmy Omony

Dr. Jimmy Omony


Dr. Giulia Pagani

Porträt Sonali Pechlivanis

PD Dr. sc. hum. Sonali Pechlivanis

Porträt Bettina Rankl

Bettina Rankl

Coordinator Drug Development

Elisabeth Schmaußer-Hechfellner

Data Manager
Soni Shankhwar IAP Potrait

Dr. rer. nat. Soni Shankhwar

Scientist Translational Research
Beatrix Steer IAP Portrait

Beatrix Steer

Technical Assistant

Christine Strunz-Lehner

MARTHA Study Coordinator

Networks & Affiliations

Logo Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München LMU
DZL - Deutsches Zentrum für Lungenforschung
Logo Allergieinformationsdienst
Logo Lungeninformationsdienst (LID)


Prof. Dr. Erika von Mutius

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c Erika von Mutius

Director and Department Head


Louisa Späth

Assistant IAP/PA to Erika von Mutius



Dorkas Anette Hartl

Assistant EHC & IAP

Helmholtz Munich - Institut für Asthma- und Allergieprävention - Ingolstädter Landstr. 1 - 85764 Neuherberg