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Pioneer Campus - Biomedical AI

HPC scientists integrate large biomedical datasets to extract actionable results. Data scientists and engineers develop new algorithms for machine learning- and artificial intelligence to answer biological problems and facilitate clinical decision making. Therefore, HPC engages with academic partners and industry to transform new findings into eminent societal benefits.

Pioneer Campus - Biomedical AI

HPC scientists integrate large biomedical datasets to extract actionable results. Data scientists and engineers develop new algorithms for machine learning- and artificial intelligence to answer biological problems and facilitate clinical decision making. Therefore, HPC engages with academic partners and industry to transform new findings into eminent societal benefits.

Pioneer Campus Principal Investigators - Bioinformatics

Porträt Paolo Casale_freigestellt

Dr. Francesco Paolo Casale

PI "Systems Genetics and Machine Learning" View profile

Pioneer Campus Research Groups - Bioinformatics

Mountaineer at the Summit
ferrantraite | Getty Images
Na Cai Lab

Translational Genetics Group

Na Cai’s research group focuses on understanding the etiology of neuropsychiatric conditions, with a particular focus on Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). 

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Porträt Paolo Casale
Helmholtz Munich / Carolin Jacklin
Francesco Paolo Casale Lab

Systems Genetics and Machine Learning

Paolo’s research group focuses on the development and application of machine learning and statistical approaches to advance our understanding of complex trait and disease biology.

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Bastian Rieck
TUM / ©Andreas Heddergott
Bastian Rieck Lab


Bastian's research group analyses complex biomedical data sets using multi-scale methods based on topological concepts.

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Lara Urban
Helmholtz Munich | © Carolin Jacklin
Lara Urban Lab

One Health

Lara Urban’s research group focuses on the application of Molecular Biology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of planetary health, with a particular interest in the impact of environmental changes on human health.

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