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Shiny Apps with R

Course description


Programming skills with R, e.g. course Introduction to R. Basic knowledge on applying ggplot2 functions (e.g. course Graphics with R) and using RMarkdown (e.g. course RMarkdown) is advantageous but not mandatory.

Course overview:

Shiny is a powerful tool providing more than just static graphics or tables to readers. It enables us to directly combine R code/outputs with the writing of interactive html pages. The user can modify all kinds of features, for example selecting specific groups, adding further covariates, or simply playing around to discover more features step-by-step. In this course we combine some short introduction on how shiny works with hands-on exercises.

This course is an extension of the workshop "A taster for creating shiny apps" which has been part of the “Data Visualization Workshop” in 2022 & 2023.


This introductory course on how to code shiny apps covers:

  • Getting familiar with the structure of shiny apps
  • Different input and output options
  • Modifying the layout


The course consists of lessons on how to use shiny apps and hands-on examples with best-practice solutions.


  • Duration: 0.5 days
  • Language: English
  • This course will be offered either on campus (in person), or online.
  • For online courses we use the software Zoom.

Dates and Application:

  • Workshops provided for Helmholtz Munich:
    • You can check the current dates and whether the courses are already fully booked here*.
    • Please read the corresponding FAQ* before applying via the forms of CaMS*.

 * Links marked with * are only available for Helmholtz Munich staff.