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Apoptosis process in a cell (WEBP)
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Bioengineering Center Institute for Synthetic Biomedicine

ISBM develops and deploys next-generation biotechniques for molecular sensing and actuation of distributed cellular processes to reverse engineer cell-circuit function and guide future cell therapies.

ISBM develops and deploys next-generation biotechniques for molecular sensing and actuation of distributed cellular processes to reverse engineer cell-circuit function and guide future cell therapies.

The research of ISBM focuses on three synergistic areas: 

©Barth-Jan van Rossum

Biomolecular Engineering of Sensors and Actuators

Pariani+edta v05a edta v03c Mg
©Barth-Jan van Rossum

Genetic and Cellular Engineering of Model Systems

WaterWaves HR WideBeam
©Barth-Jan van Rossum

Multiscale Interrogation of Cell-circuit Function

Scientists at ISBM

Felix Sigmund

Dr. Felix Sigmund

Group Leader
Jeffery Truong Dong-Jiunn

Dr. Dong-Jiunn Jeffery Truong

Group Leader
Silviu-Vasile Bodea

MD Silviu-Vasile Bodea

Group Leader
Karin Ganea

Dr. Karin Ganea

Scientific manager

Anja Ammer

Laboratory manager

Alberto Piovesan

Ph.D. student

Niklas Armbrust

Ph.D. student
Oleksandr Berezin

Oleksandr Berezin

Ph.D. student
Portrait Martin Grosshauser

Martin Grosshauser

Ph.D. student
Portrait Julian Geilenkeuser

Julian Geilenkeuser

Ph.D. student
Tobias Santl

Tobias Santl

Stefanie Winkler

Stefanie Winkler

Technical Assistant

Latest Publications

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2023 Scientific Article in Nature Communications

Schmidt, S.&deg ; Stautner, C. ; Vu, D.T. ; Heinz, A. ; Regensburger, M. ; Karayel, O. ; Trümbach, D. ; Artati, A. ; Kaltenhäuser, S. ; Nassef, M.Z. ; Hembach, S. ; Steinert, L. ; Winner, B. ; Jürgen, W. ; Jastroch, M. ; Luecken, M. ; Theis, F.J. ; Westmeyer, G.G. ; Adamski, J. ; Mann, M. ; Hiller, K. ; Giesert, F. ; Vogt Weisenhorn, D.M. ; Wurst, W.&deg

A reversible state of hypometabolism in a human cellular model of sporadic Parkinson's disease.

Director Contact

Karin Ganea

Dr. Karin Ganea

Scientific manager

35.37, Building 35.37