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Research Unit Signaling & Translation (SAT) established

On January 1, 2023, the new independent research unit 'Signaling & Translation' (SAT) was established at Helmholtz Munich (Neuherberg campus) under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Daniel Krappmann. As part of the 'Molecular Targets and Therapeutics Center' (MTTC), SAT investigates cellular signaling pathways with the goal of translating novel discoveries into effective new therapies.

The research focus of SAT is to investigate molecular mechanisms of cellular signaling in response to environmental stimuli and immune stimulators. The goal is to understand the physiological significance of signaling pathways and to uncover dysfunctions in these processes in the development of disease. With these findings, SAT is developing new therapeutic methods to enable targeted and improved therapies for human diseases. Key areas for clinical translation are the development of new concepts for the treatment of cancer and immune diseases. The work of SAT is supported by four research groups (see graphic). To support drug discovery research at Helmholtz Munich, SAT operates the 'Compound Screening Platform' led by Dr. Kamyar Hadian.


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