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Bioengineering Center

The Bioengineering Center combines interdisciplinary skills from natural sciences, engineering, and medicine to invent, innovate, and advance technological solutions that enable individualized precision measurements and processing of biological information for the promotion of healthcare. 

The Bioengineering Center combines interdisciplinary skills from natural sciences, engineering, and medicine to invent, innovate, and advance technological solutions that enable individualized precision measurements and processing of biological information for the promotion of healthcare. 

Our Research Areas

mouse body with cancer
© Helmholtz Munich/iTERM

Novel Biomedical Readouts

We enable novel biomedical readouts by reshaping next-generation hardware and theoretical and algorithmic developments for sensors, imaging and microscopy and by engineering biological contrast using genetically expressed chromo proteins and genetic labels.

Helmholtz Zentrum München / iTERM

Discovery and Validation

We accelerate discovery and validation by employing advanced observation tools for in vivo sensing, imaging, omics and single-cell processing, with a focus on combining dynamic observations in living systems with functional genomics.

Helmholtz Munich | iTERM

Clinical Translation

We advance prevention of disease, early detection, advanced diagnostics, improved intervention, and precise therapy monitoring by efficiently translating advanced sensors and imaging systems technology toward clinical use.

Our Mission

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Thomas Schwarz-Romond_freigestellt

Thomas Schwarz-Romond, PhD, MBA

Director of Operations

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