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Environmental Health Center Comprehensive Molecular Analytics

Development of new mass spectrometric analysis techniques and molecular profiling of aerosols with respect to their effects on human health.

Development of new mass spectrometric analysis techniques and molecular profiling of aerosols with respect to their effects on human health.

About our Research

Cars in traffic jams in fog
©Philippe Ramakers -

Aerosols and Health

We investigate the nature and principles of adverse biological and toxicological effects of aerosols on lung cells, tissues, animals, and humans.

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Close-up blue cap sample vial on paper with chemical formula
© rueangwit/

Enabeling Analytical Technologies

We develop and apply new high-technology analytical methods for characterizing aerosols and biological systems.

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Save world from pollution and particulate matter with diameter of less than 2.5 µm
Oana -


The Helmholtz Virtual Institute HICE (2012-2017) and aeroHEALTH (2019-2024) are two consecutive 5-year projects that aim to better understand the adverse effects of combustion aerosols on human health using multidisciplinary approaches.

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People at JMSC

Zimmermann Ralf_Portrait

Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann

Director of CMA
Porträt Dr. Thomas Adam

Prof. Dr. Thomas Adam

Deputy Director (Munich) and Head of the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Chemistry (UniBwM)

Dr. Thorsten Streibel

Deputy Director (Rostock) and Head of TA-PIMS View profile

Dr. Mathilde Noemie Delaval

Head of Aerosol Toxicology
Herr Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano Dr.

Dr. Sebastiano Di Bucchianico

Head of Aerosol Mutagenesis

Dr. Sven Ehlert

Head of Technology Transfer and Application
Herr Gröger, Thomas

Thomas Gröger

Head of Comprehensive Chromatographic Separation
Porträt Johannes Passig

Dr. Johannes Passig

Head of Aerosol/Laser MS

Marina Hahn

Staff and finances

Christin Kühl

Porträt Guelcin Abbaszade

Dr. Gülcin Abbaszade

Equal Opportunities Officer

Mohammad Almasaleekh

PhD Student

Lukas Anders

PhD Student

Martin Bauer

PhD Student

Johannes Becker

PhD Student

Dr. Matthias Bente-von Frowein

Senior Scientist
Porträt Anusmita Das

Anusmita Das

PhD Student
Porträt Abdulghani Ebtini

Abdulghani Ebtini

PhD Student

Fabian Etscheidt

PhD Student
Porträt Lukas Friederici

Lukas Friederici

PhD Student

Dr. Nadine Gawlitta


Dr. Christian Gehm


Dr. Sabine Haack

Senior Scientist

Paul Haubenwallner

PhD Student

Jan Heide

PhD Student
Porträt Anja Huber

Anja Huber

Laboratory Assistant

Dr. Robert Irsig

Senior Scientist

Seongho Jeong

PhD Student

Paul Kösling

PhD Student

Thomas Kröger-Badge


Evelyn Kuhn

Chemical Engineer

Patrick Martens

PhD Student

Dr. Anika Neumann


Dr. Svenja Offer


Dr. Sara Padoan


Dr. Jana Pantzke


Sandra Piel

PhD Student

Ellen Iva Rosewig

PhD Student

Dr. Christopher Rüger

Head of Ultra HR-MS

Dr. Mohammad Reza Saraji-Bozorgzad

Senior Scientist
Porträt Andrea Schaarschmidt

Andrea Schaarschmidt

Porträt Julian Schade

Dr. Julian Schade

Porträt Marco Schmidt

Marco Schmidt

PhD Student

Eric Schneider

PhD Student

Kevin Schnepel

PhD Student
Porträt Lukas Schwalb

Lukas Schwalb

PhD Student

Carolin Schwarz

PhD Student

Deeksha Shukla

PhD Student

Ole Tiemann

PhD Student

Silvia Juliana Vesga Martinez

PhD Student

Michael Wendler

Herr Zimmermann, Elias Josef

Elias Zimmermann

PhD Student
Basic funded staff
Third party funded staff
Publications in peer-reviewed journals per year
Third Party Funding (3-Year-Average)

Latest Publications

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Latest Publications

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2024 Science of The Total Environment

Carsten Neukirchen, Thorsten Meiners, Jan Bendl, Ralf Zimmermann, Thomas Adam

Automated SEM/EDX imaging for the in-depth characterization of non-exhaust traffic emissions from the Munich subway system

A SEM/EDX based automated measurement and classification algorithm was tested as a method for the in-depth analysis of micro-environments in the Munich subway using a custom build mobile measurements system. Sampling was conducted at platform stations, to investigate the personal exposure of commuters to subway particulate matter during platform stays. EDX spectra and morphological features of all analyzed particles were automatically obtained and particles were automatically classified based on pre-defined chemical and morphological boundaries. Source apportionment for individual particles, such as abrasion processes at the wheel-brake interface, was partially possible based on the established particle classes. An average of 98.87 ± 1.06 % of over 200,000 analyzed particles were automatically assigned to the pre-defined classes, with 84.68 ± 16.45 % of particles classified as highly ferruginous. Manual EDX analysis further revealed, that heavy metal rich particles were also present in the ultrafine size range well below 100 nm.

Director of Cooperation Group CMA


Zimmermann Ralf_Portrait

Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann

Director of CMA

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Institute Office Munich


Marina Hahn

Staff and finances

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Institute Office Rostock


Christin Kühl
