New Research Findings, Computational Health, ICB, January 23, 2025 A key to analyzing millions of individual cellsOur bodies are made up of around 75 billion cells. But what function does each individual cell perform and how greatly do a healthy person’s cells differ from those of someone with a disease? To draw conclusions, enormous quantities of data must be…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDR, Computational Health, Health AI, ICB, January 22, 2025 AI in Cell Research: Moscot Reveals Cell Dynamics in Unprecedented DetailThanks to a new technology called Moscot (“Multi-Omics Single-Cell Optimal Transport”), researchers can now observe millions of cells simultaneously as they develop into a new organ—for example, a pancreas. This groundbreaking method was developed by…read more
New Research Findings, Stem Cells, IES, January 20, 2025 Ancient Viral DNA Shapes Early Embryo Development Over half of our genomes consists of thousands of remnants of ancient viral DNA, known as transposable elements, which are widespread across the tree of life. Once dismissed as the "dark side" of the genome, researchers at Helmholtz Munich and…read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, iBIO, January 14, 2025 SCP-Nano: A New Technology to Visualize Nanocarriers in Cells and TissuesHow can we ensure that life-saving drugs or genetic therapies reach their intended target cells without causing harmful side effects? Researchers at Helmholtz Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) and Technical University Munich (TUM) have…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, December 16, 2024 Start-up EBViously foundedEBViously, a spin-off of Helmholtz Munich, officially started operations on 11 November 2024. The company is developing a preventive vaccine against diseases caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The aim is to protect people from a range of serious…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, IAF, December 09, 2024 Unlocking Worm Strategies: A Path to Innovative Vaccines and TherapiesA research team led by Prof. Julia Esser-von Bieren from the Center of Allergy and Environment (ZAUM) at Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich, as well as the University of Lausanne (UNIL) has uncovered a molecular strategy employed…read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, iBIO, November 29, 2024 Long COVID: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation Linked to Long-Lasting Brain EffectsResearchers from Helmholtz Munich and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) have identified a mechanism that may explain the neurological symptoms of Long COVID. The study shows that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein remains in the brain’s protective…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDR, November 25, 2024 Inceptor Regulates Insulin Homeostasis: A New Approach for Diabetes TherapiesIn 2021, a research team led by Prof. Heiko Lickert from Helmholtz Munich discovered the insulin-inhibitory receptor "Inceptor" and its role as a suppressor of the insulin signaling pathway. Now, the researchers have unlocked another, even more…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, ICB, November 21, 2024 Understanding the Human Brain, One Cell at a TimeIn a novel international study, researchers have created the Human Neural Organoid Cell Atlas (HNOCA). This atlas integrates 1.7 million single-cell transcriptomic profiles, offering a powerful tool for studying brain development, disease mechanisms,…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, EPI, October 10, 2024 Extreme Rainfall Poses Health RisksAn international study led by Helmholtz Munich investigates the health consequences of heavy rainfall events. Researchers analyzed the relationship between precipitation patterns and mortality rates at 645 locations across 34 countries from 1980 to…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, ICB, September 12, 2024 Ehrapy: A New Open-Source Tool for Analyzing Complex Health DataLed by Helmholtz Munich, scientists have developed an accessible software solution specifically designed for the analysis of complex medical health data. The open-source software called “ehrapy” enables researchers to structure and systematically…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, EPI, September 05, 2024 Air Pollution and Mortality: Global Study Reveals Persistent Health Risks Despite Declining Pollutant LevelsEven when air pollutant concentrations decrease, the health risks posed by these pollutants can remain consistently high. This is the conclusion of an international study recently conducted under the leadership of researchers from Helmholtz Munich. A…read more
New Research Findings, Stem Cells, ISF, Pioneer Campus, July 02, 2024 Key Mechanisms Identified for the Regeneration of NeuronsResearchers at Helmholtz Munich and Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) have shown how glial cells are reprogrammed into neurons via epigenetic more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, June 05, 2024 Father's Diet Before Conception Influences Children's HealthA recent study conducted by Helmholtz Munich and the German Center for Diabetes Research provides new insights into how fathers' diets and overweight can affect their children's health even before conception. The findings of the study can help…read more
New Research Findings, ING, June 05, 2024 Restless Legs Syndrome: Genetic Discoveries Advance Treatment and Risk Prediction Researchers at Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) together with international collaborators have conducted the largest genetic investigation of the restless legs syndrome to date. Their findings, published in Nature…read more
New Research Findings, EPI, IEM, May 21, 2024 Night-time heat significantly increases the risk of strokeIn a recent study, researchers from Helmholtz Munich and the Augsburg University Hospital show that nocturnal heat significantly increases the risk of stroke. The findings can contribute to the development of preventive measures: With them, the…read more
New Research Findings, ICB, May 21, 2024 Signatures of heart attack Multi-omics factor analysis furnishes new insights read more
New Research Findings, IDF, May 08, 2024 SARS-CoV-2 and Type 1 Diabetes in Children: New Study Aims to Explore the RelationshipType 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that leads to disrupted glucose metabolism. It requires lifelong insulin therapy. The Global Platform for the Prevention of Autoimmune Diabetes (GPPAD) collaborates within a European network to develop new…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, BGC, April 24, 2024 A Chemical Mystery Solved: The Reaction Explaining Large Carbon SinksA mystery that has puzzled the scientific community for over 50 years has finally been solved. A team from Helmholtz Munich and Linköping University, Sweden, has discovered that a certain type of chemical reaction can explain why organic matter found…read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, ITERM, April 22, 2024 Advanced Brain Science Without Coding ExpertiseResearchers at Helmholtz Munich and the LMU University Hospital Munich introduce DELiVR, offering a new AI-based approach to the complex task of brain cell mapping. The deep learning tool democratizes advanced neuroscience by eliminating the need for…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, IAF, IAP, April 15, 2024 Asthma in Children: Researchers Envision Novel Drug to Reduce the Risk of the DiseaseScientists have reached a milestone in the research of childhood asthma. For the first time, they have clarified how a certain genetic defect in children initially leads to frequent infections and later to asthma. The study, published in the American…read more
New Research Findings, IDG, VIRO, April 12, 2024 Innovative Antiviral Defense With New CRISPR ToolThe rise of RNA viruses like SARS-CoV-2 highlights the need for new ways to fight them. RNA-targeting tools like CRISPR/Cas13 are powerful but inefficient in the cytoplasm of cells, where many RNA viruses replicate. Scientists from Helmholtz Munich…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDO, April 02, 2024 Scientists Reveal Adipocyte's Metabolic Role and Identify Treatment TargetsRecent research underscores the critical role of adipocytes in storing fat, vital for organismal survival. Dysfunctional adipocytes can lead to metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease, highlighting the importance of…read more
New Research Findings, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, IFE, March 06, 2024 Decoding the Language of Epigenetic ModificationsEpigenetic changes play important roles in cancer, metabolic and aging-related diseases, but also during loss of resilience as they cause the genetic material to be incorrectly interpreted in affected cells. A major study by scientists at Helmholtz…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDR, IDO, February 28, 2024 Rising Focus on 'Inceptor' as a Type 2 Diabetes Therapeutic Target Research targeting the insulin-inhibitory receptor, called inceptor, unveils promising avenues for beta cell protection, offering hope for causal diabetes therapy. A novel study in mice with diet-induced obesity demonstrates that the knock-out of…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, Computational Health, ITG, February 19, 2024 What Our Genetic Information Tells Us About Type 2 Diabetes Risk and ComplicationsThe genetic information in our cells harbors secrets about the risks, progression, and complications of many diseases. With hundreds of millions of patients worldwide, identifying and understanding genetic risk for type 2 diabetes is of particular…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, IEM, February 01, 2024 Disturbed Skin Flora Increases the Risk of RadiodermatitisMany cancer patients develop severe dermatitis during radiotherapy. Which factors increase the risk of such radiodermatitis has only been partially understood up until now. A pilot study at the University of Augsburg, Helmholtz Munich, and the…read more
New Research Findings, ISBM, February 01, 2024 Expanding the gene editing toolboxNew method makes room for DNA insertionsread more
New Research Findings, Stem Cells, IES, December 20, 2023 Cells of the Future: A Key To Reprogramming Cell Identities The Dynamic Journey of DNA Replication Timing and Its Impact on Cellular Plasticity The intricate process of duplicating genetic information, referred to as DNA replication, lies at the heart of the transmission of life from one cell to another…read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, IBMI, December 11, 2023 Examining Diabetes with a Skin Scanner and AIChanges in small blood vessels are a common consequence of diabetes development. Researchers at Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now developed a method that can be used to measure these microvascular changes in the…read more
New Research Findings, Stem Cells, ISF, December 08, 2023 New Source of Stem Cells in Injury-Affected Brains of Patients Researchers from Helmholtz Munich and the LMU have discovered that, in the case of brain injuries, specific cells in the brain become active in disease situations, exhibiting properties of neural stem cells. The authors further discovered that a…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, LHI, December 06, 2023 Accelerating Drug Development for Lung Diseases: New Insights from Single-Cell Genomics To mechanistically understand the root causes of lung disease, and identify drugs that target specific pathways, the scientists around Prof. Herbert Schiller and Dr. Gerald Burgstaller from Helmholtz Munich are collecting deep molecular insights from…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDF, November 14, 2023 Developing Algorithms to Predict Type 1 Diabetes in ChildrenPediatricians and computer scientists join forces at the Helmholtz Munich Institute for Diabetes Research to identify children with type 1 diabetes before they develop symptoms. With the help of advanced statistics and machine learning, the…read more
New Research Findings, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, MCD, November 13, 2023 A Rising Star: Inducing Ferroptosis with Innovative Compounds for Cancer TherapyA team of researchers led by Dr. Marcus Conrad from Helmholtz Munich discovered a novel anti-cancer drug, called viFSP1, which sensitizes both murine and human cancer cells to cell death through ferroptosis. Ferroptosis is defined by the…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDO, November 09, 2023 Understanding the Role of GIP in Managing Diabetes and ObesityThe increasing amount of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes benefit greatly from the recently developed GIPR:GLP-1R co-agonists. These novel compounds lead to substantial weight loss, offering a revolutionary approach to patients worldwide.…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, ICB, October 09, 2023 Interpreting Large-Scale Medical Datasets ScPoli Enables Multi-Scale Representations of Cells and Samples The increasing amount of data recorded in medical research can only lead to scientific breakthroughs and essential therapies for patients if interpreted and analyzed correctly.…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, Bioengineering, IBMI, October 02, 2023 DeepMB: A Deep Learning Framework For High-Quality Optoacoustic Imaging in Real-TimeResearchers at Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich have made significant progress in advancing high-resolution optoacoustic imaging for clinical use. Their innovative deep-learning framework, known as DeepMB, holds great promise…read more
New Research Findings, TDI, September 19, 2023 Exercise and Muscle Regulation: Implications for Diabetes and Obesity How do our muscles respond at the molecular level to exercise? Researchers at Helmholtz Munich and the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE) have unraveled the cellular basis and signaling pathways responsible for the positive…read more
Featured Publication, New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDR, Computational Health, ICB, September 12, 2023 Understanding Diabetes: Single-Cell Atlas Leverages Machine Learning to Decipher Diabetes at the Molecular LevelA collaborative endeavor between computer scientists and diabetes researchers at Helmholtz Munich has yielded novel insights into the mechanisms underlying type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This collaboration has resulted in the creation of the first mouse…read more
New Research Findings, IDF, September 08, 2023 COVID-19 and Type 1 Diabetes: Researchers Find an Increase in Islet Autoimmunity in Young Children Who Had a Sars-CoV-2 InfectionType 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease leading to an impaired glucose metabolism and requires life-long administration of insulin. While the cause of the autoimmunity reaction is still unclear, viral infections in young children are proposed to be…read more
New Research Findings, LHI, September 07, 2023 Take a Deep Breath: Early Detection of Vascular Disease in Chronic Lung Disease of Premature InfantsPremature infants often struggle with breathing and require ventilatory support and oxygen therapy. Unfortunately, this might lead to lung damage resulting in lifelong consequences and chronic disease. Dr. Anne Hilgendorff’s team from Helmholtz…read more
New Research Findings, AIH, August 31, 2023 AI Predictions for Colorectal Cancer: One Step Closer to Efficient Precision Oncology Colorectal cancer (CRC) ranks second in leading causes of cancer-related deaths globally, according to the WHO. For the first time, researchers from Helmholtz Munich and the University of Technology Dresden (TU Dresden) show that artificial…read more
New Research Findings, ICB, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, August 29, 2023 Aggressive Blood Cancer: Contribution of Enzyme MALT1 UncoveredA team of researchers from Helmholtz Munich in cooperation with scientists at the University Hospital Münster (UKM) has uncovered a new pathway that promotes the growth of aggressive blood cancer, so-called lymphomas. Survival of many lymphomas…read more
New Research Findings, HI-MAG, August 25, 2023 Renal Function After Administration of Contrast Media: New Study LaunchedClarifying a debated issue in clinical practice Thousands of patients are injected with contrast media every day, particularly in the fields of radiology and internal medicine. It has long been debated whether, and if so to what extent, there is a…read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, ITERM, August 09, 2023 A New Ally in Fighting Brain Diseases: Our Very Own SkullAlzheimer's, stroke, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases cause severe damage due to neuroinflammation mediated by immune cells. Managing this inflammation poses a significant medical challenge because the brain is protected by the…read more
Featured Publication, New Research Findings, HI-MAG, July 11, 2023 Unlocking the Epigenetic Potential of a Polyphenol-rich Mediterranean DietWhy “Eating Your Greens” Represents a Major Aspect of Lifestyle Driven Obesity Treatment read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, ITERM, July 10, 2023 WildDISCO: Visualizing Whole Bodies in Unprecedented DetailResearchers developed a new method called wildDISCO that uses standard antibodies to map the entire body of an animal using fluorescent markers. This revolutionary technique provides detailed 3D maps of structures, shedding new light on complex…read more
New Research Findings, MCD, July 05, 2023 Potentiating Cancer Vulnerability to Ferroptosis: Off-Targeting Effects of DHODH InhibitorsA research team at Helmholtz Munich revealed a specific mechanism that is able to promote cell death in cancer cells by pharmacological targeting of a ferroptosis surveillance system. Ferroptosis is a form of regulated oxidative cell death and has…read more
New Research Findings, MCD, June 28, 2023 New Approach in Cancer Therapy With Innovative Mechanism-of-Action for Ferroptosis InductionA team of researchers led by Dr. Marcus Conrad from Helmholtz Munich discovered a novel anti-cancer drug, called icFSP1, which sensitizes cancer cells to ferroptosis. Ferroptosis is characterized by the iron-dependent oxidative destruction of…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, ICB, June 08, 2023 First Integrated Single-Cell Atlas of the Human LungCan a human organ be mapped on a single-cell level to learn about the functionality of each individual cell? And can we learn how different these cells are from person to person? Helmholtz Munich researchers and their collaborators have taken up this…read more
New Research Findings, IDO, June 05, 2023 Unraveling the Mode of Action of TirzepatideTirzepatide is a recently approved treatment for type-2 diabetes. Treatment with tirzepatide decreases body weight while improving glucose metabolism in patients with obesity and type-2 diabetes. Although the drug is designed to activate receptors…read more
Featured Publication, New Research Findings, ICB, June 05, 2023 CAMPA: A Powerful Deep Learning Framework for Understanding Subcellular OrganizationCAMPA, a new deep-learning framework, that allows for analysis of subcellular organization in healthy and perturbed cells using high-resolution fluorescence microscopy data has now been introduced in Nature Methods. This tool can facilitate the…read more
New Research Findings, IDF, May 22, 2023 Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes After SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Researchers Find Possible CorrelationDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in the chronic autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes was observed in children, also in Germany. Researchers at Helmholtz Munich and TU Dresden, in cooperation with the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayern (KVB),…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, EPI, May 15, 2023 Ambient ultrafine particles – very small and very dangerous?A new study conducted by Helmholtz Munich researchers reveals that ultrafine particles, representing the smallest size fraction of particulate air pollution, might be more dangerous to human health than larger particles. These findings add to the…read more
New Research Findings, IDF, April 18, 2023 Bavaria-Wide Testing for Sars-COV2 Antibodies in Combination With Screening for Presymptomatic Type 1 Diabetes CompletedMost children displayed SARS-CoV2 immunity. In March 2023, SARS-CoV2 antibodies were present in 94% of the children, including infants. read more
Featured Publication, New Research Findings, Bioengineering, ISBM, April 18, 2023 Electron microscopy: Nano-reporter proteins make invisible processes visibleGenetically encoded nano-barcodes How do the nerve cells in our brain communicate with each other? What processes take place when T cells render cancer cells harmless? Details of the mechanisms at the cellular level remain hidden from view. Now,…read more
New Research Findings, TOXI, April 04, 2023 Wilson’s Disease: Bacterial Agent Opens New Therapeutic OptionsA specific molecule excreted by methane-oxidizing bacteria could be most suitable for therapy against Wilson’s disease (WD). This is what researchers led by Helmholtz Munich scientist Hans Zischka have found in a new study. In a WD rat model, the…read more
New Research Findings, Health AI, AIH, March 14, 2023 New targets for CAR-T cell therapy against acute myeloid leukemia through AI-assisted analysisInterdisciplinary cooperation between LMU and Helmholtz Munich supported by Bavarian Research Foundation Unlike other forms of blood cancer, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cannot currently be treated with CAR-T cell immunotherapy. The reason is that…read more
New Research Findings, IDO, March 07, 2023 Cited1 links sex and metabolic hormones to protect against obesitySex differences exist in the regulation of energy homeostasis, the organism’s mechanism to keep a stable body weight. Current studies indicate for instance that female mammals, including humans, are better protected against metabolic diseases during…read more
New Research Findings, VIRO, December 22, 2022 Unraveling key determinant of successful therapeutic vaccination against chronic hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections remain a major global health problem – according to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are around 300 million HBV carriers worldwide. Current treatments rarely succeed in curing the infection. At present,…read more
New Research Findings, ITERM, December 22, 2022 Novel spatial-omics technology enables investigation of diseases at their early stages How can you trace a single diseased cell in an intact brain or a human heart? The search resembles looking for a needle in a haystack. The teams of Ali Ertürk at Helmholtz Munich and LMU Munich and Matthias Mann at the Max Planck Institute of…read more
New Research Findings, ITS, December 22, 2022 Trigger in MODY3 diabetes: Insulin hypersecretion precedes pancreatic β cell failureIn order to treat patients with diabetes in the best possible way it is necessary to understand the disease mechanism. MODY type 3 (MODY3) is a monogenic hereditary form of diabetes, that is caused by a genetic defect in the HNF1A gene. The result is…read more
New Research Findings, ISBM, November 14, 2022 Molecular monitoring of RNA regulationNew biological tool for tracking cellular processesread more
New Research Findings, EPI, IEM, November 03, 2022 Lancet Countdown 2022: Dependence on fossil fuels threatens our health„Everyone’s health is at the mercy of fossil fuels” is the central finding of this year’s Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change report. In this report, which was released on October 26th 2022, experts warn of health consequences of the…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, October 27, 2022 Node-centric expression models (NCEMs): Graph-neural networks reveal communication between cellsHow do single cells communicate in a tissue? How can these interactions be modeled, while retaining information of spatial context? Researchers around Fabian Theis from Helmholtz Munich Computational Health Center and Technical University of Munich…read more
New Research Findings, IDF, October 17, 2022 Type 1 diabetes: New findings on the development of the autoimmune disease in childrenStudy provides novel insights on dynamics of blood sugar levels and autoimmunity in early childhood When and why does type 1 diabetes manifest in children? For the first time, researchers conducted a long-term study on infants and young children…read more
New Research Findings, IDC, October 14, 2022 Switching tracks: Changing the trafficking of the glucagon receptor in the liver regulates its metabolic signaling Helmholtz Munich researchers identify a novel mechanism to modify glucagon receptor signaling outcomes by altering its intracellular localizationread more
New Research Findings, INET, October 10, 2022 Landscape of molecular contacts: How the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 communicates with human cellsWhat exactly are the molecular interactions between the virus causing COVID-19 and its human host? How might our genetic differences cause different disease courses? And how do still-emerging virus variants differ in their host-virus interactions? To…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDO, August 26, 2022 New Drug Candidate Developed to Treat Type 2 DiabetesA team of researchers from Helmholtz Munich, the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and Novo Nordisk have developed a new hormone combination for the future treatment of type 2 diabetes. The scientists have combined the blood sugar-reducing…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, ICB, August 04, 2022 How Pathogenic Gene Variants Lead to Heart FailureCardiomyopathy is not a uniform disease. Rather, individual genetic defects lead to heart failure in different ways, an international consortium with participation of Dr. Matthias Heinig, researcher at Helmholtz Munich, reports in more
New Research Findings, MCD, August 03, 2022 Vitamin K Prevents Cell Death: A New Function for a Long-Known MoleculeA team of researchers located at Helmholtz Munich reports on a novel function of vitamin K, which is generally known for its importance in blood clotting. The researchers discovered that the fully reduced form of vitamin K acts as an antioxidant…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, EPI, August 01, 2022 Heart Attack on Hot Days - Which Role Do Cardiovascular Drugs Play?On days with high temperatures, people taking certain medications have an increased risk of heart attack: this was found by a team of researchers led by Alexandra Schneider, PhD, research group leader 'Environmental Risks' at the Helmholtz Munich…read more
New Research Findings, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, AMIR, July 25, 2022 How Tiny Changes Help T Cells to SurviveResearchers gain a fundamental insight for epitranscriptomics and immune response. The research group around Vigo Heissmeyer and Taku Ito-Kureha of Helmholtz Munich and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München has revealed the essential function of m6A…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, PGSB, May 18, 2022 The Oat Genome Unlocks the Unique Health Benefits of OatsResearchers have succeeded in sequencing and characterizing the entire genome of oat. Compared to other cereals and humans, the oat genome architecture is very complex. Scientists from Helmholtz Munich, Lund University and the ScanOats network…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, Bioengineering, IBMI, May 12, 2022 Under the Skin: Better Treatment of Psoriasis by Scanning Light and SoundA clinical study confirms the success of a novel technology developed by Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) for the evaluation of the treatment of psoriasis. With the new method, doctors can look deeper into the skin of…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, LHI, March 23, 2022 Pregnancy and COVID-19: Reduced Lung Volume in the UnbornBy the use of fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scientists and physicians from Helmholtz Munich and LMU University Hospital Munich have discovered a reduction in lung volume in fetuses from mothers with an uncomplicated SARS-CoV-2 infection…read more
New Research Findings, Stem Cells, IES, March 08, 2022 A Speed Limit Could Be a Breakthrough for Stem Cell TherapyReplacing sick or damaged cells with healthy cells: this is a major goal of regenerative medicine. One of the most promising approaches is cellular reprogramming, whereby one cell type in our body converts to another cell type. Research carried out…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDF, February 14, 2022 Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Only 22 Euros for an Early Diagnosis Before Symptoms AriseIt only takes a blood test to detect the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes in children at an early stage and, thus, prevent severe metabolic derailments. Helmholtz Munich offers the world's largest population-based screening for type 1 diabetes in…read more
New Research Findings, February 08, 2022 Important Step Towards Fasting-Based TherapiesVoluntary fasting, for example interval fasting, is beneficial to health for many people, depending on their individual condition. For example, controlled periods of starvation can prevent and improve diseases such as diabetes and obesity.…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, ICB, February 02, 2022 Predicting Cell Fates: Researchers Develop AI Solutions for Next-Gen Medical ResearchData is not only the answer to numerous questions in the business world; the same applies to biomedical research. In order to develop new therapies or prevention strategies for diseases, scientists need more and better data, faster and faster.…read more
New Research Findings, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, VIRO, February 01, 2022 COVID-19: Breakthrough Infection Can Substitute for a Third Vaccine ShotAccording to a new study led by Ulrike Protzer, a breakthrough infection after two vaccinations achieves the same protective effect as an additional booster vaccination. According to the study by Helmholtz Munich, LMU and TUM, the decisive factor for…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, January 26, 2022 Epstein-Barr Virus: Helmholtz Munich and DZIF Are Working on a Vaccine The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been known for some time to play a part in a range of diseases. A current US study has now shown a close link between EBV and multiple sclerosis. Scientists at Helmholtz Munich and DZIF are already working on…read more
New Research Findings, Environmental Health, Computational Health, ICB, January 17, 2022 Caught in the Act: Novel Interactions Between Genetics and Epigenetics Give Clues About Environmentally Triggered DiseasesThe interplay of genetics and epigenetics is a long-sought riddle in the development of diseases. Researchers from Helmholtz Munich and the Imperial College London discovered novel interactions. Their findings improve our knowledge about…read more
New Research Findings, VIRO, December 17, 2021 A Medication Against SARS-CoV-2: New Strategy Also Promises Protection Against Future Virus VariantsVaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been made possible by an unprecedented worldwide partnership. However, medications against Covid-19 have yet seen only partial success. With the support of the Bavarian Research Foundation, a Munich research…read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, IBMI, December 06, 2021 A Light in the Dark Tissue: Switchable Proteins for Biomedical ImagingBiomedical imaging is the window through which we can look into organisms. It allows us to see cells, their behavior and localization that would otherwise be hidden. Tracking very few cells over time without damaging them is a key challenge in health…read more
New Research Findings, IES, ICB, IFE, November 24, 2021 Scientists Open the Black Box of the Milestone Stage of Human Embryonic Development for the First TimeFor the first time, scientists based at Helmholtz Munich and the University of Oxford were able to shed light on one of the most critical stages of human embryonic development (gastrulation). The finding, published in the journal Nature, will…read more
New Research Findings, Health AI, November 22, 2021 Fighting Blood Diseases With Artificial IntelligenceHow can we better diagnose blood diseases? A research group led by Helmholtz Munich aims to answer this question with artificial intelligence (AI). Their goal is to facilitate the time-consuming analysis of bone marrow cells under the microscope. The…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, November 19, 2021 New Link Between Diet, Intestinal Stem Cells and Disease DiscoveredObesity, diabetes and gastrointestinal cancer are frequently linked to an unhealthy diet. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for this are not fully understood. Researchers at Helmholtz Munich have gained some new insights that help to…read more
New Research Findings, IDR, IDF, November 11, 2021 Perspectives on the Future of Diabetes ResearchThe 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin is a milestone in diabetes research and insulin continues to be a lifesaver for many people. At the same time, the International Diabetes Federation predicts a rise in the number of diabetes cases to…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, VIRO, September 27, 2021 Bioengineering Meets Hepatitis B: Researchers Design Promising Novel Therapeutic CandidatesResearchers have designed antibodies as novel therapeutic candidates for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcinoma. Their study in human cell cultures and in living mice showed the elimination of antigen-positive cells and…read more
New Research Findings, EPI, September 09, 2021 Even Low Levels of Air Pollution Can Increase the Risk of Cardiovascular DiseaseProlonged exposure to air pollution can be linked to an increased risk of stroke and coronary heart disease, even when levels are below the limits specified by the EU and WHO. This has been shown, among others, by researchers and Helmholtz Zentrum…read more
New Research Findings, ICB, August 30, 2021 AI Helps to Spot Single Diseased Cells Researchers developed a novel artificial intelligence algorithm for clinical applications called “scArches”. It efficiently compares patients’ cells with a reference atlas of cells of healthy individuals. This enables physicians to pinpoint cells in…read more
New Research Findings, ITG, August 26, 2021 Milestone in Osteoarthritis ResearchResearchers found new genetic risk factors for osteoarthritis and identified novel drug targets. Their finding is a milestone towards the development of the first ever curative treatment for osteoarthritis. The study involved an international…read more
New Research Findings, LHI, August 18, 2021 New Approach Identifies T Cells in COVID-19 PatientsT cells play a decisive role in fighting the coronavirus and preventing infected individuals from becoming seriously ill. They identify and fight the virus directly within the infected cells. A team of researchers working in Munich have produced a…read more
New Research Findings, VIRO, July 30, 2021 Mix-and-match Vaccine Against COVID-19 Tested: Immune Response Stronger Than After Two Doses of Astrazeneca VaccineFor safety reasons, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) in Germany recommends that anyone under the age of 60 who initially received a vaccine from AstraZeneca should be given an mRNA vaccine at their second appointment. Up until now, there…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, Pioneer Campus, July 26, 2021 Researchers Engineer an Organoid on Chip Platform to Recapitulate Pancreatic Organoids A newly engineered organoid on chip platform mimics robustly key features of human pancreas development. This is a stepping stone towards reliable diagnostic solutions for early-stage pancreatic cancer. The study was carried out by an…read more
New Research Findings, IES, ICB, IFE, July 20, 2021 Revealing the Secrets of Cell Competition Cellular competition is a crucial quality control process that ensures that the development of an organism relies on healthy cells. Researchers revealed the secrets underlying cell competition and what features can pre-determine whether a cell will…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, IDC, July 12, 2021 Revealing the Mystery Behind the Threat of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Researchers revealed how non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can develop into a life-threatening complication. Their discovery will accelerate the search for therapeutic solutions. The study was led by Helmholtz Zentrum München in collaboration with…read more
New Research Findings, IPI, June 29, 2021 New Study Reveals Heterogeneous Beta Cell Trajectories Toward Type-2 Diabetesread more
New Research Findings, IDR, June 24, 2021 Gastrulation Research Reveals Novel Details About Embryonic DevelopmentScientists from Helmholtz Zentrum München revise the current textbook knowledge about gastrulation, the formation of the basic body plan during embryonic development. Their study in mice has implications for cell replacement strategies and cancer…read more
New Research Findings, June 23, 2021 Plant Protector: How Plants Strengthen Their Light-Harvesting Membranes Against Environmental StressAn international study led by Helmholtz Zentrum München has revealed the structure of a membrane-remodeling protein that builds and maintains photosynthetic membranes. These fundamental insights lay the groundwork for bioengineering efforts to…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, June 15, 2021 Obesity & Hypertension: Researchers Discover Novel MechanismsResearchers have succeeded for the first time in demonstrating the role of hypothalamic astrocytes in obesity-related hypertension. In addition, they showed that the hormone leptin is involved in the increase of blood vessels in the hypothalamus of…read more
New Research Findings, IDG, ISBM, June 04, 2021 The Cut and Restore Protein Trick: Self-Excising Designer Proteins Report Isoform ExpressionOur proteome is much bigger than our genome because one gene produces several variants of proteins called protein isoforms, whose disbalance is implicated in many diseases. A new bioengineered reporter system developed at Helmholtz Zentrum München…read more
New Research Findings, VIRO, May 21, 2021 The viruses in our genes: When activated, they damage brain developmentResearchers have been able to prove for the first time that activation of distinct human endogenous retroviruses, which are part of our genome, impair brain development dramatically. This finding could help to advance research into therapies for…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, TOXI, April 27, 2021 First-in-class Cancer Immunotherapy Drug in Clinical TrialA small molecule has entered a novel clinical trial for cancer immunotherapy. The molecule inhibits an enzyme called MALT1 that plays a critical role in suppressing immune reactions against tumor cells. Preclinical studies showed that blocking MALT1…read more
New Research Findings, ICB, April 14, 2021 More than the sum of mutations – 165 new cancer genes identified with the help of machine learningA new algorithm can predict which genes cause cancer, even if their DNA sequence is not changed. A team of researchers combined a wide variety of data, analyzed it with “Artificial Intelligence” and identified numerous cancer genes. This opens up new…read more
New Research Findings, IDF, April 08, 2021 Children and Corona: Study detects more infections than reported cases during the second wave in GermanyA study by Helmholtz Zentrum München concludes that during the second Corona wave, three to four times more children in Bavaria, Germany were infected with the Corona virus than reported via PCR tests. In addition, the researchers found that about…read more
New Research Findings, ICB, March 17, 2021 Sars-Cov-2 Infects Cells via Specific Viral Entry Factors That Are More Abundant in Elderly, Men and SmokersA new study uncovers which cell types can be infected by SARS-CoV-2 due to their viral entry factors. The study also suggests that increased gene expression of these viral entry factors in some individuals partially explains the differences of…read more
New Research Findings, IDF, February 15, 2021 New Clinical Study Aims to Prevent Type 1 Diabetes in Children Type 1 diabetes is the most common metabolic disease in children and adolescents worldwide. It can be particularly dangerous as often there is no diagnosis until severe and sometimes life-threatening symptoms have already developed. The new ‘SINT1A‘…read more
New Research Findings, IDO, February 11, 2021 New Targets for the Development of a Drug Treatment for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.The GIP receptor in the central nervous system plays a crucial role in the regulation of body weight and food intake. This is shown by a recent study by Helmholtz Zentrum München, ETH Zurich and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD). The…read more
New Research Findings, IDR, January 27, 2021 Scientists Discover a Promising New Target for Diabetes TreatmentResearchers have discovered a novel and druggable insulin inhibitory receptor, named inceptor. The latest study from Helmholtz Zentrum München, the Technical University of Munich and the German Center for Diabetes Research is a significant milestone…read more
New Research Findings, IDR, Stem Cells, January 08, 2021 Uncovering Basic Mechanisms of Intestinal Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Differentiation Promises New Approaches to Treat DiseasesThe gut plays a central role in the regulation of the body’s metabolism and its dysfunction is associated with a variety of diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, colitis and colorectal cancer that affect millions of people worldwide. Targeting…read more
New Research Findings, Diabetes, January 04, 2021 Prediabetes Subtypes IdentifiedNot all prediabetes is the same: In people in the preliminary stages of type 2 diabetes, there are six clearly distinguishable subtypes, which differ in the development of the disease, diabetes risk, and the development of secondary diseases. The…read more
New Research Findings, PGSB, November 25, 2020 First Genomic Atlas for Global Wheat ImprovementIn a landmark discovery for global wheat production, Helmholtz Zentrum München together with an international research team has sequenced the genomes for 15 wheat varieties representing breeding programs around the world, enabling scientists and…read more
Awards & Grants, New Research Findings, LHI, November 24, 2020 Animal-Free Method Predicts Nanoparticle Toxicity for Safer Industrial MaterialsResearchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München together with scientists across Europe developed a novel animal-free method to predict the toxic effect of nanoparticles to the human lung. The method aims to enable the safety-by-design development of safer…read more
New Research Findings, IDG, ISF, November 17, 2020 Researchers Improve Neuronal Reprogramming by Manipulating Mitochondria The replacement of lost neurons is a holy grail for neuroscience. A new promising approach is the conversion of glial cells into new neurons. Improving the efficiency of this conversion or reprogramming after brain injury is an important step towards…read more
New Research Findings, Computational Health, November 12, 2020 “I Can See It in Your Eyes”: Novel Deep Learning Method Enables Clinic-Ready Automated Screening for Diabetes-Related Eye DiseaseResearchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München together with LMU University Eye Hospital Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) created a novel deep learning method that makes automated screenings for eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy…read more
New Research Findings, LHI, November 04, 2020 Promising Therapeutic Approach Against COPDChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common and deadliest diseases worldwide. Until today, COPD is not curable. Researchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München and at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have now succeeded in…read more
New Research Findings, IAP, November 02, 2020 Follow Your Gut: How Farms Protect From Childhood Asthma Asthma impacts millions of children already at a young age. Children growing up on a farm have a lower risk of developing asthma than children not living on a farm. The mechanisms behind this protective farm effect on childhood asthma are largely…read more
New Research Findings, IDF, October 29, 2020 More Infections Than Reported: New Study Demonstrates Importance of Large-Scale SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Screenings A new study lead by Helmholtz Zentrum München indicates a six-fold higher SARS-CoV-2 exposure rate among children in Bavaria, Germany, than reported cases. This highlights the value of population-based antibody screenings for pandemic monitoring. The…read more
New Research Findings, IDC, October 27, 2020 Potential Early Biomarkers for Cancer-Associated Body Weight LossResearchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München identified specific fat molecules which affect metabolism during cachexia, a cancer-related energy-wasting syndrome characterized by progressive decrease in muscle and fat tissue mass. These fat molecules may…read more
New Research Findings, Pioneer Campus, October 19, 2020 Novel Medical Imaging Approach Unlocks Potential for Improved Diagnosis and Interventions Researchers from Helmholtz Zentrum München and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), jointly developed new imaging tools to allow non-invasive imaging of distinct structures, like blood vessels, in multicolor and in real-time. The new…read more
New Research Findings, Bioengineering, IBMI, September 16, 2020 “Honey, I Shrunk the Detector”: Researchers Have Developed the World’s Smallest Ultrasound DetectorResearchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed the world’s smallest ultrasound detector. It is based on miniaturized photonic circuits on top of a silicon chip. With a size 100 times smaller than…read more
New Research Findings, NBD, August 21, 2020 Type 2 Diabetes: A Gatekeeper Against Insulin Resistance in the BrainThe brain plays a major role in controlling our blood glucose levels. In type 2 diabetics this glucose metabolism brain control is often dysfunctional. Genetic components for this phenomenon have so far remained elusive. A group of scientists at…read more
New Research Findings, ICB, August 03, 2020 AI & Single-Cell Genomics: New Software Predicts Cell FateThe study of cellular dynamics is crucial to understand how cells develop and how diseases progress. Scientist at Helmholtz Zentrum München and Technical University of Munich (TUM) created “scVelo” – a machine learning method and open source software…read more
New Research Findings, LHI, July 30, 2020 Fighting for a World Without ScarsEvery scar tells a story. Sometimes it can be dramatic, dealing with complicated injuries, surgeries and chronic diseases. Dr. Yuval Rinkevich would rather like to tell stories of regeneration, the healing of wounds on skin or organs without much…read more
New Research Findings, PGSB, July 27, 2020 European and American Maize: Same Same, but DifferentGerman researchers decoded the European maize genome. In comparison to North American maize lines, they discovered variations that underlie phenotypic differences and may also contribute to the heterosis effect. A better understanding of the effect…read more
New Research Findings, ICB, July 06, 2020 Unlimited Potential: Researchers Found New Ways to Generate Totipotent-Like Cells Totipotency is set to become a key tool for research and future medical applications. Finding efficient ways to generate totipotent-like cells is therefore crucial. In a new study, a group of researchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München found that…read more
New Research Findings, IES, July 06, 2020 Epigenetics: What the Embryo Can Teach Us About Cell ReprogrammingCell reprogramming provides an outstanding opportunity for the artificial generation of stem cells for regenerative medicine approaches in the clinic. As current cell reprogramming methods are low in efficiency, researchers around the globe aim to…read more
New Research Findings, INET, July 01, 2020 To listen is to survive: Unravelling how plants process informationResearchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München and Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) mapped the signaling network in plants and discovered novel insights about how plants process information about their environment. This gives new potential to strategies…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, IDF, May 06, 2020 Established Study Combines Early Detection of Type 1 Diabetes With Sars-Cov-2 Antibody Testing in Thousands of ChildrenLarge-scale antibody testing against the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 could help to obtain reliable data on infection rates. Screening children for early stages of type 1 diabetes in Bavaria, "Fr1da-plus" will now integrate SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing…read more
New Research Findings, IEM, April 30, 2020 Nasal Biomarkers Predict Severity of Pollen-Specific Allergy SymptomsIt is not only people with allergies, but also a subgroup of people without one that suffer in spring and have nasal problems from contact with pollen. A new study shows that biomarkers in the nose can predict the severity of the symptoms that will…read more
New Research Findings, IDR, April 27, 2020 Beta cells from stem cells: Potential for cell replacement therapyThe loss of insulin-secreting beta cells by autoimmune destruction leads to type 1 diabetes. Clinical islet cell transplantation has the potential to cure diabetes, but donor pancreases are rare. In a new study, a group of researchers developed an…read more
New Research Findings, April 03, 2020 KoCo19: Shedding Light on How SARS-CoV-2 Is Spreading in MunichStarting in April a large-scale sample analysis called KoCo19 ("Prospective COVID-19 Cohort Munich") will be carried out to investigate the spread of the corona pandemic and the effectiveness of countermeasures in the Munich area. The study will be…read more
New Research Findings, ITERM, March 11, 2020 Automated analysis of whole brain vasculature - Combination of biochemical methods and artificial intelligence allows visualisation of tiny blood vesselsDiseases of the brain are often associated with typical vascular changes. Now, scientists at Helmholtz Zentrum München, LMU University Hospital Munich and the Technical University of Munich have come up with a technique for visualising the structures…read more
New Research Findings, VIRO, March 05, 2020 Improving human health with phage-based therapeuticsGut bacteria are central to human health. They are a key player in contributing to immune regulation, pathogen protection, food and drug metabolism, and vitamin synthesis. Another supporting actor in the gut, however, are bacteriophages or short…read more
New Research Findings, IDR, February 20, 2020 New drug combination restores beta cell function in animal model: potential for diabetes remissionThe loss of the identity of insulin-secreting beta cells in the islet of Langerhans, a process also called beta cell dedifferentiation, has been proposed to be a main reason for the development of diabetes. If and how dedifferentiated beta cells can…read more
New Research Findings, ITERM, February 13, 2020 Transparent human organs allow 3D maps at the cellular level For the first time, researchers managed to make intact human organs transparent. Using microscopic imaging they could revealed underlying complex structures of the see-through organs at the cellular level. Resulting organ maps can serve as templates…read more
New Research Findings, Stem Cells, ISF, February 06, 2020 Hard Times Are Coming: Brain Tissue Stiffness Is Crucial for NeurogenesisIn mammalian adult brains, neural stem cells are only present in few specific parts, so called niches. Only these niches are capable of generating new neurons. For the first time, researchers defined the proteome of these niches, the entire set of…read more
Transfer, New Research Findings, VIRO, February 03, 2020 Hepatitis B: New Therapeutic Approach May Help to Cure Chronic Hepatitis B InfectionResearchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München, Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have developed a novel therapeutic approach to cure chronic hepatitis B. The scientists found that the large amount of…read more
New Research Findings, IDG, January 29, 2020 Gene Scissors Against Incurable Muscular Disease Duchenne type muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common hereditary muscular disease among children, leaving them wheelchair-bound before the age of twelve and reducing life expectancy. Researchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München, Technical University…read more
New Research Findings, January 13, 2020 Study Confirms That Health-Damaging Ground-Level Ozone Formation Can Be Suppressed Without Negative Consequences for TreesIn order not to affect air quality by ground-level ozone formation, certain tree species emitting large quantities of isoprene should not be planted in large numbers in urban and suburban areas. Genetic suppression of isoprene emissions can help to…read more