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Luftaufnahme Pioneer Campus
Helmholtz Munich | ©Oliver Scholz

The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus

The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC) is an innovation campus with a startup culture at the Helmholtz Zen­trum München. HPC stands for the intelligent fusion of biomedical sciences, engineering and digitization. Teams of top scientific talents from all over the world work together on the development of novel solutions that make a difference in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. HPC aspires the values of Hermann von Helmholtz (1821- 1894), a physician and physicist, polymath and science pioneer. 

The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus

The Helmholtz Pioneer Campus is an innovation campus with a startup culture at the Helmholtz Zen­trum München. HPC stands for the intelligent fusion of biomedical sciences, engineering and digitization. Teams of top scientific talents from all over the world work together on the development of novel solutions that make a difference in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. HPC aspires the values of Hermann von Helmholtz (1821- 1894), a physician and physicist, polymath and science pioneer. 

Pioneer Campus - Research Areas

Symbol Biomedicine
Helmholtz Munich | MINTcreativ


HPC scientists work towards a comprehensive and systems-level understanding of human physiology to revolutionize future diagnostics.

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Symbol Bioengineering
Helmholtz Munich | MINTcreativ


HPC scientists employ modern bioengineering principles and aim to develop new techniques and tools for trail-blazing applications in biological systems.

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Symbol Bioinformatics
Helmholtz Munich | MINTcreativ

Biomedical AI

HPC scientists embrace information technologies to transform biomedical discovery and empower a revolution in healthcare.

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Pioneer Campus - our Mission

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Pioneer Campus - Principal Investigators

Boyan Bonev

Dr. Boyan Bonev

PI "3D Genome and Molecular Neurobiology" View profile
Bruns, Oliver

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bruns

PI "Next-Generation in vivo Imaging" View profile
Porträt Paolo Casale

Dr. Francesco Paolo Casale

PI "Systems Genetics and Machine Learning" View profile
Meier, Matthias

Prof. Dr. Matthias Meier

PI "Bioengineering and Microfluidics" View profile

Pioneer Campus - New Building

The Pioneer Campus has begun the next chapter and has moved into the new building. Discover the unique concept and design of the new Pioneer Campus.

Pioneer Campus - Board of Di­rec­tors

Vasilis Ntziachristos

Prof. Dr. Vasilis Ntziachristos

Director of Bioengineering
Portrait Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla

Prof. Dr. Maria Elena Torres Padilla

Director of Biomedicine

Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian Theis

Director of Biomedical AI

Thomas Schwarz-Romond, PhD, MBA

Director of Operations

Pioneer Campus - Podcast Series

With the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, HelmholtzMunich established a global talent hub and innovation campus – for the development of novel solutions that make a difference in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Our podcast hence provides a forum for established & future biomedical entrepreneurs, aimed at crystallizing some of the ‚secret ingredients‘ for rapid and successful knowledge translation toward societal benefit.

Helmholtz Pioneer Campus

Thomas Schwarz-Romond, PhD, MBA

Director of Operations

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