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Helmholtz Diabetes Center

Our research at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center aims at understanding the molecular bases underlying all forms of diabetes, its heterogeneity and risk factors, including obesity as well as its complications and comorbidities. We combine world-leading basic research with clinical intervention and cohort studies to develop tomorrow’s diabetes precision medicine.

Our research at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center aims at understanding the molecular bases underlying all forms of diabetes, its heterogeneity and risk factors, including obesity as well as its complications and comorbidities. We combine world-leading basic research with clinical intervention- and cohort studies to develop tomorrow’s diabetes precision medicine. 

Our Research Areas

Molecular model of insulin molecule, 3D illustration
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Diabetes and its Risk Factors

We identify risk factors for diabetes in children and adults and its complications. Our world-class basic research enables us to define new biomarker for its development and progression and therapeutic targets.

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Helmholtz Munich | Andreas Pfohl

Prevention and Personalized Therapies

We are leading in early detection and prevention of type 1 and type 2 diabetes as well as development of innovative personalized therapies to combat diabetes and obesity.

3d rendering of Human cell or Embryonic stem cell microscope background.
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Regenerative Therapies for Diabetes and its Complications

We develop new venues for cell-based therapies, to reestablish a health metabolic function. We jointly work to identify the molecular basis of diabetes complications and means for their remission.

Our Scientists at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center

Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig New

Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig

Director & Head of Division Diabetic Complications View profile
Prof. Dr. Heiko Lickert

Prof. Dr. Heiko Lickert

Institute Director and Group Leader Insulin/IGF signalling in metabolism and growth & Islet Biology View profile
Anette G. Ziegler_84

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Anette-Gabriele Ziegler

Institute Director, Chair of Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes, Klinikum rechts der Isar and Technical University of Munich, Director of the Global Platform for the Prevention of Autoimmune Diabetes (GPPAD) View profile
PI-/MA-Foto Matthias Blüher_EH6A7625_Hintergrund freigestellt

Prof. Dr. Matthias Blüher

HI-MAG Director and Head of Clinical Obesity Research Group View profile
Martin Hrabě De Angelis

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Hrabě De Angelis

Research Director Helmholtz Munich, Full Professor and Chair of Experimental Genetics Technical University Munich, Director of the Institute of Experimental Genetics Helmholtz Munich View profile
Siegfried Ussar

Dr. Siegfried Ussar

Director of Research Unit Adipocytes and Metabolism View profile

We Fight Diabetes!

Thanks to basic research, groundbreaking innovations against obesity as well as in the field of diabetes prevention and therapy are emerging at Helmholtz Munich.

K1ds are Heroes - An Awareness Campaign on Type 1 Diabetes


The K1DS ARE HEROES campaign spots type 1 diabetes heroes around the world! The campaign aims to raise awareness for type 1 diabetes, early detection and prevention of type 1 diabetes. The campaign is run by GPPAD together with the Institute of Diabetes Research (IDF) at Helmholtz Munich.

Selected Publications

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Networks and Affiliations

Contact Director of Operations

Portrait Tobias Schafmeier

Dr. Tobias Schafmeier

Director of Operations

Contact Coordinator

Anne Caniard

Dr. Anne Caniard

Coordinator HDC

Building 3620, Room 315b