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Moleküle im Zellkern
Juan Gärtner -

YIG Vascular Epigenetics / Sheikh-Lab

What environmental factors impact our risk of developing chronic diseases? What molecular mechanisms are responsible for this?

The Vascular Epigenetics group aims to disentangle how our metabolic environment interacts with our epigenome. By understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying this link, the team works towards identifying novel treatments that could lower the risk of life-threatening chronic disorders. In particular, the lab focuses on these mechanisms in the context of vascular dysfunction, which is typically driven by metabolic disease and underlies numerous diseases such as atherosclerosis, cardiac failure and neurodegeneration.

What environmental factors impact our risk of developing chronic diseases? What molecular mechanisms are responsible for this?

The Vascular Epigenetics group aims to disentangle how our metabolic environment interacts with our epigenome. By understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying this link, the team works towards identifying novel treatments that could lower the risk of life-threatening chronic disorders. In particular, the lab focuses on these mechanisms in the context of vascular dysfunction, which is typically driven by metabolic disease and underlies numerous diseases such as atherosclerosis, cardiac failure and neurodegeneration.

Lab Members

MA-Foto Florian Geier_EH6A8042_Hintergrund freigestellt

Florian Geier

MA-Foto Fabiana dos Santos Oliveira_Fabiana 3_Hintergrund freigestellt

Fabiana dos Santos Oliveira

PhD Candidate
MA-Foto Longsheng Liao_EH6A8131_Hintergrund freigestellt

Longsheng Liao

PhD Candidate

Hugo Martin

PhD Candidate (DFG funded)
MA-Foto Faiqa Zulfqar_EH6A7420-Edit_Hintergrund freigestellt

Faiqa Zulfqar

PhD Candidate
MA-Foto Nishtha Malhotra EH6A2665_freigestellt

Nishtha Malhotra

PhD Candidate

He Yao

PhD Candidate
MA-Foto Christina Papa - freigestellt

Christina Papa

PhD Candidate



PI-/MA-Foto Bilal Sheikh - freigestellt

Dr. Bilal Sheikh

Group Leader "Vascular Epigenetics"
