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Hochsicherheitslabor BSL3
Foto: Matthias Balk/Helmholtz Zentrum München

Pandemic Preparedness - A Big Step Forward

The EU grant “PerForM-REACT” supports Helmholtz Munich with a new equipment for a biosafety level 3 laboratory where researchers can conduct important studies for the prevention and management of future pandemics. The project is part of the European COVID-19 aid REACT-EU and the European Regional Development Fund.

The EU grant “PerForM-REACT” supports Helmholtz Munich with a new equipment for a biosafety level 3 laboratory where researchers can conduct important studies for the prevention and management of future pandemics. The project is part of the European COVID-19 aid REACT-EU and the European Regional Development Fund.

The Scientists

20211209_Prof_Protzer_Astrid Eckert-110_freigestellt

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Protzer

Deputy Head of the Molecular Targets and Therapeutics Center, Director Virology Profil anzeigen

Prof. Dr. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann

Director of the Institute of Environmental Medicine Profil anzeigen

The Project is Funded By

Logo RACT-EU - Version 1
Logo RACT-EU - Version 2