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workshop on biomedical image registration 2022

Upcoming Event: WBIR 2022


We are delighted to announce the 10th International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR2022) that will be hosted in Munich, Germany, from 10th to 12th July 2022.

The workshop brings together leading researchers in the area of biomedical image registration. New this year: the Learn2Reg challenge will be organised in conjunction with WBIR on the Sunday afternoon, i.e. the day before the main program starts. There will be the option to present and/or attend virtually.

The scientific program of WBIR2022 is in your hands. We invite you to submit full papers  (up to 6-8 pages LNCS format excluding references)  for oral or poster presentation or short papers (with up to 3 pages in length) for poster presentation. The workshop will also feature exciting keynote lectures, a best paper award and more, while the scientific and social program will provide ample opportunities for you to discuss with your peers.

Come, share and enjoy!

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