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Human (animal) cell under microscope. 3d illustration
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Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine represents the future of healthcare. Therapies customized to individual patients hold the promise of exceptional effectiveness. At Helmholtz Munich, we are investigating the scientific fundamentals that will shape the medicine of tomorrow. From deciphering risk genes associated with conditions such as diabetes or cancer to analyzing the impacts of lifestyle and environment, and even predicting individual responses to medications: Through our basic research, driven by artificial intelligence and bioengineering, we are paving the way for tailored interventions. 

Personalized medicine represents the future of healthcare. Therapies customized to individual patients hold the promise of exceptional effectiveness. At Helmholtz Munich, we are currently investigating the scientific fundamentals that will shape the medicine of tomorrow. From deciphering risk genes associated with conditions such as diabetes or cancer to analyzing the impacts of lifestyle and environment, and even predicting individual responses to medications: Through our basic research, driven by artificial intelligence and bioengineering, we are paving the way for tailored interventions. 

At Helmholtz Munich, we are investigating the scientific fundamentals that will shape the medicine of tomorrow. Discover how new technologies like AI and bioengineering are accelerating the future of medicine. 

Our Missions

AI and Personalized Medicine

“Each of us is unique, as is every cell in our bodies – we use AI to transform this diversity into health and disease models."

Visit Fabian´s page
Porträt Fabian Theis

Prof. Fabian Theis

Director Computational Health Center, Director Institute for Computational Biology

Bioengineering and Stem Cells

"We do stem cell research to discover how to engineer ‘Cells à la carte."

Visit Maria-Elena's page
Porträt Maria Elena Torres-Padilla

Prof. Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla

Director Stem Cell Center (rotating), Director Institute for Epigenetics and Stem Cells

Molecular Drugs for Personalized Therapies

"We unravel molecular mechanisms underlying human disease with atomic details to develop optimal small molecule drugs for personalized therapies."

Visit Michael´s Page
Michael Sattler

Prof. Michael Sattler

Director Molecular Targets and Therapeutics Center

Bioengineering and AI

"We combine bioengineering and AI to enable monitoring of diabetes and cardiovascular disease using light and sound in a simple skin scan."

Visit Vasilis' page
Vasilis Ntziachristos

Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos

Director Bioengineering Center, Director Institute for Biological and Medical Imaging

Big Data and Personalized Medicine

"We generate insights from big biomedical data to improve human health and empower personalized medicine."

Visit Elefhteria's page
Eleftheria Zeggini Portrait

Prof. Elefteria Zeggini

Director Institute of Translational Genomics, Program Spokesperson for our program ENABLE

Imaging and AI

"We create 3D maps of the body to predict the course of diseases and develop new treatement methods."

Visit Ali's page
Ali Ertürk

Dr. Ali Ertürk

Director Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Precision Regenerative Medicine

"We study mechanisms of failed regeneration in the aging process and chronic lung diseases to develop therapeutic approaches that increase lung health and resilience."

Visit Herbert's page
Herbert Schiller

Prof. Herbert Schiller

Director Research Unit Precision Regenerative Medicine

Hot Topics

Scientists at Helmholtz Munich are actively participating in the Human Cell Atlas (HCA) project, focusing specifically on one of the largest organs, the lung. Given its significant importance due to the global prevalence of lung diseases as a major cause of morbidity and mortality, the lung serves as a flagship project within the HCA.

In 2017, Prof. Fabian Theis, Prof. Herbert Schiller, and their teams of highly skilled scientists were amongst the first to study human lungs using single-cell technologies. Through collaborative efforts across the whole HCA network, an integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas (HLCA) was presented six years later in 2023, making it the first comprehensive atlas of a major organ within the HCA – an impressive milestone in the HCA project.

Read Story: A Journey into the Secrets of Human Cells

Given the global impact on hundreds of millions of individuals, the identification and comprehension of genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes hold particular significance. An international consortium, co-led by Prof. Eleftheria Zeggini, has recently published the largest type 2 diabetes genome-wide association study. Our research has revealed over 600 genetic risk loci, facilitating the development of risk scores for diabetes complications.

Understanding the risk of complications in type 2 diabetes is pivotal for taking early actions to mitigate its effects. Our objective is to slow down or even prevent the onset of these debilitating medical issues, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.

Read Research News: What Our Genetic Information Tells Us About Type 2 Diabetes Risk and Complications

Helmholtz Munich researchers have pioneered a novel method for evaluating skin microvascular changes associated with diabetes severity. Through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with cutting-edge optoacoustic imaging, we precisely measure these changes, revealing valuable insights into the progression of diabetes.

This breakthrough led by Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos could revolutionize diabetes monitoring, offering a deeper understanding of its systemic effects. The technology employs a non-invasive skin scanner capturing blood vessel images, with AI analyzing vascular patterns. This innovation holds the potential for early detection and personalized treatment strategies. Leveraging advanced imaging and AI, we strive to enhance diabetes management for better patient outcomes.

Read Research News: Examining Diabetes with a Skin Scanner and AI

The ability to reprogram cells holds great promises for regenerative medicine. Cells from the embryo at the beginning of life divide and produce all cell types in the body. What can embryos teach us so that we can generate cells ‘à la carte’ to cure injuries and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s?

At Helmholtz Munich, researchers led by Prof. Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla combine high-resolution microscopy with single-cell genomics to study the epigenetic principles underlying cellular reprogramming.

Read Story: Understanding Embryonic Development

Scientists at Helmholtz Munich led by Dr. Ali Ertürk have developed wildDISCO, a revolutionary technique for creating high-resolution 3D maps of entire bodies. This groundbreaking method uses standard antibodies to reveal details of complex biological systems and diseases. WildDISCO has the potential to transform our understanding of intricate processes in health and disease and paves the way for exciting advancements in medical research. 

Read Press Release: WildDISCO: Visualizing Whole Bodies in Unprecedented Detail

Scientists at Helmholtz Munich are actively participating in the Human Cell Atlas (HCA) project, focusing specifically on one of the largest organs, the lung. Given its significant importance due to the global prevalence of lung diseases as a major cause of morbidity and mortality, the lung serves as a flagship project within the HCA.

In 2017, Prof. Fabian Theis, Prof. Herbert Schiller, and their teams of highly skilled scientists were amongst the first to study human lungs using single-cell technologies. Through collaborative efforts across the whole HCA network, an integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas (HLCA) was presented six years later in 2023, making it the first comprehensive atlas of a major organ within the HCA – an impressive milestone in the HCA project.

Read Story: A Journey into the Secrets of Human Cells

Given the global impact on hundreds of millions of individuals, the identification and comprehension of genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes hold particular significance. An international consortium, co-led by Prof. Eleftheria Zeggini, has recently published the largest type 2 diabetes genome-wide association study. Our research has revealed over 600 genetic risk loci, facilitating the development of risk scores for diabetes complications.

Understanding the risk of complications in type 2 diabetes is pivotal for taking early actions to mitigate its effects. Our objective is to slow down or even prevent the onset of these debilitating medical issues, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.

Read Research News: What Our Genetic Information Tells Us About Type 2 Diabetes Risk and Complications

Helmholtz Munich researchers have pioneered a novel method for evaluating skin microvascular changes associated with diabetes severity. Through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with cutting-edge optoacoustic imaging, we precisely measure these changes, revealing valuable insights into the progression of diabetes.

This breakthrough led by Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos could revolutionize diabetes monitoring, offering a deeper understanding of its systemic effects. The technology employs a non-invasive skin scanner capturing blood vessel images, with AI analyzing vascular patterns. This innovation holds the potential for early detection and personalized treatment strategies. Leveraging advanced imaging and AI, we strive to enhance diabetes management for better patient outcomes.

Read Research News: Examining Diabetes with a Skin Scanner and AI

The ability to reprogram cells holds great promises for regenerative medicine. Cells from the embryo at the beginning of life divide and produce all cell types in the body. What can embryos teach us so that we can generate cells ‘à la carte’ to cure injuries and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s?

At Helmholtz Munich, researchers led by Prof. Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla combine high-resolution microscopy with single-cell genomics to study the epigenetic principles underlying cellular reprogramming.

Read Story: Understanding Embryonic Development

Scientists at Helmholtz Munich led by Dr. Ali Ertürk have developed wildDISCO, a revolutionary technique for creating high-resolution 3D maps of entire bodies. This groundbreaking method uses standard antibodies to reveal details of complex biological systems and diseases. WildDISCO has the potential to transform our understanding of intricate processes in health and disease and paves the way for exciting advancements in medical research. 

Read Press Release: WildDISCO: Visualizing Whole Bodies in Unprecedented Detail

Research News

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